A farm build is a char that can both negate, and deal damage. usually you'll see monk as a part of the build so that you don't have to jump through hoops to protect yourself from death. Common stratagies include using W/Mo with Vigorous spirit (+3-11 health whenevery they hit someone in combat for 30 seconds)& Healing breeze or Mending... Monks with Protective [bonds|spirit], BA, Zealout's Fire, and divine boon... El/Mo using monk protection/healing regen spells with PBAoE spells... and there are variations. As long as you can make up damage that the mobs are hitting you with (either by preventing it from happening, out-healing it, or lessening the damage) and kill them fater than they can heal, you're in.
Generally these build are designed to take out specific enemies. Avoid farming Jade Scarabs.